Hi, my name is


I build software

A passionate software developer. I love to build software that makes a difference!

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SPFx Audience targeting

Audience Targeting 🎯 Audience targeting allows content administrators to direct content toward specific groups of users. This is particularly useful in organizations with a wide array of users, where not all content is relevant for everyone. By using audience targeting, you can improve the relevance …

Web Api logging attribute

Have logging ever irritated you? If yes, then you’re definitely not alone! Often when I work with Web APIs in C#, logging tends to take up a lot of space, making the code quickly look “ugly.” I like to log what parameters the method is called with, which controller the method is …

SQL save changes w. …

The other day at work, I had to work on an old solution (some C# web API with an SQL) that a colleague had created a long time ago. Part of this solution was to create a kind of version history of objects and who had made the individual changes. As I opened up the project, I saw some of the wildest …